Two-month community activation amplified by integrated social.
Introduce Illovo Syrups to a broader South African market who are not traditional consumers of syrup.
Ethnographic research gave us a better understanding of the spreads category purchase drivers and how syrup could fit in, and the growing role of township caterers as significant culinary influencers in their communities.
Community caterers attended Illovo Masterclasses at the SA Chefs Association’s Township Caterer Skills Development Programme. Each went on to showcase Illovo Syrup in their event spreads and share the new ideas at their own community events.
The campaign was extended to in-store demos and social media highlighted Illovo Syrups’ USPs – Taste, Value and Versatility. The community caterers joined our local mall activations where Illovo Syrup was offered to shoppers on fresh pancakes – a popular treat in the homes of our new consumer set.
Activation reach: 230 000 Social Impressions: 697 093 Social Engagements: 20 087 Click through: 12 658